Through rural development initiative, Nav-Prabhanam, Foresight society of HRD focused on capacity building of two important and critical segments when it comes to integrated and holistic development of villages namely farmers and Panchayats. A continuous program is carried out on capacity building of farmers specially focusing upon new technologies and opting for cash crops over traditional crops
Krishi Melas are conducted on regular intervals at Nav-Prabhanam by inviting farmers from different places who have done some innovations and have some success stories to share. Agriculture scientists are also roped in at different times to provide insight and know-how to farmers about new technologies and crops which can provide them better returns.
Panchayats are key drivers when it comes to village development. A state level intervention was done under a project of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt of India and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) supported by United Nation Development Program (UNDP). The project was having a multi-dimensional focus from training of Sarpanches to evolving a policy framework on training of elected members of Panchayats. Following Interventions were made during the project:
- Workshops: Orientation session for Sarpanches (Head of elected members of Panchayat) at State Level, District Level & Block Level
Other Interventions
- Panchayati Raj Journal: Developing, Designing, publishing and distributing the quarterly journal to every panchayat through out the state based on the mandate of panchayats set-out in the Haryana Panchayati Raj Act to carry out development work in the village.
- Hardware Mapping: Hardware mapping was done in four districts of Haryana state to map the physical assets available with each panchayat and how these are being utilized.
- Developing and Publishing of Haryana Panchayati Raj Act: One of the key outcomes of the project was to publish a booklet in Hindi with pictorial representation of Haryana Panchayati Raj Act so that any elected Panchayat could refer to this to understand about carrying out its operation smoothly.
- Developing of Trainers Manual for Master Trainers: The other important outcome based on understanding from different orientation from state level to block level in line with Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, a training manual was developed for master trainers to train newly elected members of Panchayats.
- Foresight joined hands with some volunteer organisation to carry out a base line for the need of health intervention in the villages of Kharkhoda Block, District Sonepat, Haryana.
- A total of four villages were earmarked for continuous intervention for about two years so that once a complete intervention is done, the initiative can be handed over to local primary health centres.
- The project was carried out from spreading awareness to holding Free Medical check up health camps with the help of Volunteer doctors. A complete health record and progress report was maintained after creating a database of people who visit the camp held on monthly basis.
Nav-Prabhanam organized many local competition to promote sports among rural youth and provide them an opportunity to go beyond traditional sports. Every such event draw huge interest from the rural youth.