Mahila Jyoti Yojana
The whole program was implemented by running different campaigns like: Empower Women–Empower Society is the motto conceptualized under the idea of Mahila Jyoti Yojana. Foresight brought forward the project to empower women with employable IT skills and evolved a program which can lead to income generation opportunities for women. Under the program, women candidates were offered one-year training without any tuition fee and by paying only lab maintenance charges. The program executed without any third-party support by using available free slots at each training center and get gap-funding from Foresight Society to execute the program successfully. The program was executed in the state of Delhi, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana & Punjab.
Tech Powerment
TECH Powerment (Empowering Women with IT Skills): The program was conceptualized to provide specialized long term career program with placement support. The program was rolled out at urban centers in Jaipur (Rajasthan), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) & Vivek Vihar (Delhi) with a total target of training 500 candidates with matching grant from Foresight Society. A total budget of Rupees 10 Lakh was spent by Foresight to complete the project from their side. The project achieved about 54% placement of candidates.
This specific program was launched with an objective to open small training centers in rural areas at block headquarters. The project was developed based on HUB & SPOC model & implemented with the help of entrepreneurs running training centers in cities and ready for scale up to new territories.
Model was packaged in a way that on a very nominal fee, center can achieve a moderate return on investment and it was made possible with complete support from Foresight Society with zero cost to centers for this support.
A special program was designed considering the demands in the local market in small towns or nearby district cities for IT literate Multi Skilled Workers who can manage shops, front desk at small clinics, operations of a small office, maintaining data entry of stock for wholesale dealers etc.
Every center provided with a mandate to reach out to five government schools within their vicinity and provide specially designed career guidance seminars for students in 10th, 11th and 12th standards. Every center also has to provide 100 coupons for 10 hours basic IT literacy program without charging any fees from students during their summer vacations.
“The program implemented in the states of Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan. A total of more than 20,000 candidates have been trained FREE of Cost in Digital Skills”